Sunday, April 27, 2008

Book: The Martian War

The Martian War:
A Thrilling Eyewitness Account of the Recent Alien Invasion as Reported by Mr. H. G. Wells

by Gabriel Mesta

This book by the author of Dune is quite interesting and creatively combines various characters from some of the works of H. G. Wells. It is written as an account of something which could have inspired H. G. Wells' writings.

Indeed, Wells and his student love, Miss Jane Robbins are main characters, along with Professor Huxley and Dr. Moreau! The Invisible Man features as one of the many scientists working in the Queen's secret laboratory. They are trying to develop technology to help Britain in the war which they can see coming in Europe. However, something even more threatening and evil is rudely thrust into their focus.

The Martians.

Part of the book is in the form of Dr Moreau's journal. It's quite good and allows the reader to learn what Moreau is like. It also recounts a few grisly experiments of Moreau's which I found disgusting.

Read the Author's Note printed before the prologue:

"During extensive historical research undertaken by the author in writing this book, it became sadly but abundantly apparent that the events set forth in this novel did not, in fact, occur.

    However, with the benefit of more than a century of hindsight, one can see that this is indeed how history should have happened."

This is a fairly light read which I think is quite good. It combines various parts of Wells' writings (characters etc) creatively, to make something which I think Wells' fans will enjoy.

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